On Earth as it is in Heaven

His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

He is looking for a resting place.

Someone who doesn’t rush past him and onto the next thing, but waits in His presence for Him to rest on them.

It is in His presence that a life is transformed and it is a life transformed by His presence that changes the world.

Nau Mai Haere Mai

Join us at one of our locations

We believe for revival in Aotearoa and beyond.

We GATHER to fill up with His living water, His Spirit, to be transformed in His Presence, and then we GO and bring others into an encounter with Him, overflowing from us.

  • At Te Puna Wai we embrace the call to encounter the living God. To create a space where every individual, regardless of age or background, can come and drink deeply from the wellspring of His Presence. Inspired by the words of Jesus in John 7:37-38, we gather to be filled with the rivers of living water, experiencing transformative encounters with the Holy Spirit. We commit to stepping into the unknown, allowing His Presence to shape us into courageous disciples who are set ablaze for Him. Our greatest desire is for an encounter that defies the expected, for all that choose to join us.

  • At Te Puna Wai our core conviction is that everything flows from the presence of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit - His presence. God is at the centre of all we do, shaping our gatherings with His power. We believe in creating an environment where all generations encounter and experience the undivided, loving presence of God together. There are no age restrictions in His Kingdom. Therefore, we intentionally exclude traditional age-segregated programmes. Our commitment is to cultivate an atmosphere where everyone from the youngest to the oldest, encounters the life-changing power of God’s love for them and is propelled to share it with the world.

  • Te Puna Wai is dedicated to the pursuit of encountering God to bring revival, not just within ourselves and our community but throughout Aotearoa and beyond. We gather to be filled with His Spirit, allowing revival to flow from our innermost being. Te Puna Wai is not just a gathering, it is a community forged in the fires of His Presence. Following the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we acknowledge that each gathering will be unique, reflecting Him at the centre. We won’t likely have neatly packaged programmes as we embrace the messiness of genuine transformation. Marked by bravery, we are a people who step out of the ordinary into the extraordinary revival that God desires. Not predictability, but a journey of being led, not by might or power, but by His Spirit.